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Happy Home Property Investments, S. L.

C.I.F.: B92957513

Ctra.de Cadis, Km 198 Edif.Mansion
Alhamar Ofic.122.
29649 Calahonda, Mijas Costa, Spain

Representative office in Ukraine

Ukraine, Kyiv,
M. Hrinchenka St.4, 3rd floor


Additional Information


Official language is German.


Germany is located between zones of soft Atlantic Ocean climate and continental climate. Major temperature drops are very rare here. Precipitation is present all year around. In the Alps Mountains it is slightly colder. Snow stays there till April with average temperature around +15°C in summer.

Average temperature in Germany:

  • Spring +3...+13°C
  • Summer +18...+22°C
  • Autumn +4...+13°C
  • Winter 0...-3°C, -5°C in mountains.


German cuisine is very diverse and appetizing. The most popular dishes are the different meat products; pork, beef, and poultry are the main varieties of meat consumed in Germany. Throughout all regions, meat is often eaten in sausage form. Besides that, different cutlets, chops, schnitzels and steaks are also very popular. Germany is a heaven for meat lovers.

All this is supplemented with beer - the main German drink, which is consumed with everything. Bavaria is a homeland for German beer and hosts the world famous annual beer festival Oktoberfest.


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